Tuesday, June 3, 2014

5 Lessons Your First Car Teaches You

Most people remember their first car—not only the make and the model but the way the steering wheel felt in their hands, and the friends who rode in shotgun. First cars are more than just happy memories—they’re often the first “big thing” we are ever responsible for. And as with many firsts, our first cars were the tools of our learning experiences, from the minute we laid eyes on them before purchase to the moment we realized it was time to move on with our lives. The Terry Labonte Chevrolet Family knows just how important first cars are to people. It is an iconic achievement in your life, a milestone that you had been excited about for years. 


First cars can teach us many things, but here are a few of the most important;

Responsibility. When you assume ownership of your first car and begin to do all the fun things that come with having your own method of transportation, you quickly learn that you’re not only responsible for its upkeep and your own safety, but you’re also responsible for the safety of your passengers and the fellow drivers sharing the road with you. Your first car teaches you to be mindful of yourself—and your surroundings—to ensure that the road is a safe place for everyone.
Budgeting. Gas and maintenance certainly are not free, and many of us got our first jobs to be able to afford our first cars. There’s really nothing like a healthy amount of financial obligation to motivate you into getting smart about your spending. Paying for your first car is one of your first lessons in money management, helping you on your way to becoming a budgeting pro.
Self-Reliance. Getting safely from point A to point B is easy when you’re riding in the passenger seat, but when you're driving your own vehicle, the job is all up to you. Whether it’s by changing your first spare tire on the side of the rod, learning how to replace your own oil, or figuring out how to read a map on your first long trip, your first car puts you in charge, building in you a self-reliance that’s an integral part of becoming an adult.
Selflessness. When you finally get your first car, you’re finally in the position to give friends a lift, offer a jump-start in the grocery store parking lot, help friends of the family move into a new home and more. In general, your first vehicle gives you the ability to help people out like never before. For this reason, your first car teaches you how to be selfless—it teaches you how to give to others what you can, when they’re in need.

Joy. There’s nothing like the open road to give you a sense of total freedom and joy, and to make you appreciate what a privilege it is to be able to get up, get out and drive anywhere you want to go. Your first car offers you these newfound moments of happiness—unconfined opportunity, a world that knows no bounds—and the ability see anything and do anything, as long as you know how to get there. Your first car is one of your first experiences with the expansive freedom that driving offers, teaching you the joy of the open road.
Come in to Terry Labonte Chevrolet today to see what is on our lot and to find the perfect car for you! Call our internet sales hotline if you have any questions, or to begin shopping today! This skilled team is ready to help with any car buying needs! Contact them Today at (888) 257 - 2815 

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